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Label: Myspace Records
I was lured in by the hype around this guy and bought this CD to check it out. Overall, it's some interesting stuff with entertaining beats and good flow, although it is full of flaws.
Mickey's rap flow is decent, the closest comparison is Sondoobiest or House of Pain (without the screaming, as it's all fairly mellow). The main issue I have is with the lack of clever lyrics. In fact, some of them are so bad that I would imagine you could pick any person off the street and have a 50-50 chance that they could come up with something better. Still, some of his raps are in uncharted territory as while he does more than his share of boasting about the size of his d**k, he gives almost equal time to rapping about turning tricks for male clients. Now that's something I've never heard in a rap song before, nor did I ever want to- but this subject comes up in probably eight of the eleven tracks. Also, while I'm not easily offended or usually too hung up on rap lyrics, he manages to offend in a blaspehmous, cringeworthy way with the very first track, "Waiting to Die," repeatedly referring to God as "one sick mothaf****."
But when it comes down to it, despite some unforgivably bad lyrics, he spits it out pretty well and a lot of this stuff is catchy. "Jane Fonda" is a pretty irresistable track actually and "Mr. Right" not bad either. However, I'm kind of sorry I listened to the final track, "My D**k," with some of the worst lyrics of all time, not to mention that he's joined on the mic by actor/former MTV VJ Simon Rex (known here as Dirt Nasty) whose raps are not so palatable. You'd be hard pressed to find a rapper unable to come up with anything halfway clever about that body part, but Mickey and his pals seem to have come up short here.
Overall, "Jane Fonda" alone is enough to make this worthwhile and there's plenty of catchy stuff to entertain you if you can filter out much of the alternately inane or disturbing lyrics. The comparisons I have read about Mickey being a hipster and 2007's answer to T-Rex (who raps) don't seem quite accurate. It could be the tone of his voice or his look, but he reminds me much more of a Paulie Shore for 2007 (who raps).
"Mickey Avalon all up in your prom; pissing in the fruit punch with my baby blue tuxedo on." This is a lyric from the CD its funny to me but alot of you will think otherwise. His music is a mix between 90s rap and punk I think. This CD is different with the mix of topics in each song. Mickey really has no talent at all and I found that his trio the Dyslexic Speedreaders sound better when they dont sound enhance their voice's. The best thing about this CD is its cheap and you didnt waste a bunch of money.
I just saw him tonight and this guy rocks! His music is nothing you have ever heard. If you have not heard of this guy, you should definitely check him out. My favorite songs are Waiting To Die, Jane Fonda, Mr. Right, and So Rich, So Pretty. Enjoy!
Mickey Avalon has a unique voice, and his album is so different. I even seen him on "The Simple Life 4: 'Til Death Do Us Part". But the best song on his album is "Jane Fonda"!
I've been a fan of Mickey Avalon for just over a year now and his album finally is released! This album shouldn't be taken too seriously; there's a lot of raunchy, fun stories on it to funky music and beats.
This guy has built up an amazing following before his record came out. He is simply brilliant on stage, so if you get the chance to see him live, do it! Buy the album too. He's worked hard and deserves all the fame he gets.