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a bitch? a whore? a slut? shuta fuck up!! take a shot!!
shadow's are cleaned, broads bleed
say how could i take so long that motherfuckin nasty shit?!
and she got it again and she tryin again
SLUT forget forever bout playin your games
yes! no nore fuckin jokes, no more smiles NO
now start to suck my dick! i've been waiting so long
as so long you've been lying lying in my bad
no more lie bitch stop cryin well i'm crazy i'm mad
i will take an advantage now look at my hands
hope looking handsome STOP CRYIN I SAID
why are you scary? so am i, it's just me
girlie remeber, we met long ago, yeah, it's so many years
now listen to me, here, slut shade up your tears! no fear!
we're couple - as that old time i trying to fucking wake up ya
a? you remeber? bitch, that time to many whiskey
to many whistles in ears and to many risks
and now who can rescue ya? may be call for emergency?
urgent request: bitch have merged some seeds
please! come quick she is killing my kids!!
woman shut the fuck. start licking your tits.
lick! stain them by lipstick,
do you seek for a stick of a dick? fuck bitch. i'm sick.
i will kill you. you're really the Whore.
all that photos i've seen have bit changed my world
and this world has no more pure and likeable girl
fuck you bitch. you've been all.
now you're forever no more than a turd.