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Westside Connection
Сообщения: 4
Регистрация: 16.11.2003
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 13 февраля 2004, 14:50
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  #1 (ПС)
Exclamation  Immortal (Verse 1)
I spit, to make the mic like a flammable torch
'It's understandable' my mind is a mechanical force
And I'm a cannibal my mandible is chewin' ya corpse
'I'm tyrannical, a vandle of intangible sorts
Not a mineral a mammal or an animal, I'm.
Metaphysical, the syllables in critical rhymes
Flows blowin' off ya limbs like invisible mines
Been invincible with rhymes since the biblical times
A warlord with a sword from the Mongul Horde
Speak the tongue of the lord, to bless my vocal chords
They tried to resurrect hip-hop, but faith is gone
So I'll take it over by force like Ghengis Khan
If you say it ain't raw, you better pray to Allah
Cuz I got an arrow that'll travel straight thru the jaw
Got breath control, flow like a ship with a sail
Divine when I spit, like if I sipped from the grail
Cuz I'm immortal

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Сообщения: 173
Регистрация: 16.11.2003
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 16 февраля 2004, 08:55
  #2 (ПС)
i liked your shit, man,
check this out:


a little will warm
too much will burn
average will heat it up
none of it will kill you , son

time is yours for taken
amounts of it is life-braken.
take your peaceful share of time
our ears hear, our eyes at side,

what does our mind do?
what's the heart is dealing through?
get a reputation as an early riser
and you can stay in bed till sun rises.

plan to be no less than capable of being
see to be no more than able you of seeing,
cause too much noise will set you off in trouble,
don't look for stress, don't need this rumble,

do the right deed,
do it for good reason,
no need in inside fights,
don't end yourself in prison

we must learn who we are
and the things we can do,
learn to accept that we cannot,
do those things that we like to do.

two wrongs will not make a right,
remember it, update yourself, change is tight,
as mark twain said:
"never do wrong when people are looking",
far better to suffer wrong than do it.

do not betray trust of those who have faith in you,
make a change, bring some new of you
learn to separate wheat from chaff,
learn to tell apart, and see what's rough.

pick a rough and live with it,
appreciate what you have learn and stick to it,
don't lie to yourself, neither to others,
remember it comes back, will pay debts.

choose a friend, make him your everything,
be ready to give him off yourself anything
avoid giving needless offence
practice your calm, make your best defence.

forget of fights in yourself, forever,
and you wont be struggling, ever.

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Сообщения: n/a
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 1 марта 2004, 02:02
  #3 (ПС)
Criminal Good flow,content, keep that up

fav.. line
Speak the tongue of the lord, to bless my vocal chords

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