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Сообщения: 74
Регистрация: 12.01.2004
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 6 августа 2004, 14:10
  #1 (ПС)
textual build-up

anyone wishing to show off their pre-written texts, freestyles, ideas and deep shit that none else wants to listen to - all wellcome. let me start you motherfuckers off:

this grey sky up above/
makes me wanna die now/
but before i pass away/
i wanna experience love/
its the ultimate drug/
that does not get you addicted/
how much about me do u know/
to call me your mate?
cos at the age of eight/
i was fuckin predicted:
ash will fall on my hand/
but i wont feel the pain/
fall in love with a girl/
without knowing her name/
she dumps me two days later - am i supposed to complain?

fuckin mad at this world/
cos it only gives u back/
what u fuckin deserve/
sometimes less, never more -
like a cheap damn whore!

for every thing you enjoy -
you have to pay with ur health
and in a couple of years/
u r standing there facing death/
my lungs and throat r dying/
like generations of kids/
who made their choice
to choke on smoke in the streets.

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